Become a Member!
Help preserve the Sauk Centre Area Heritage by becoming a member or renewing your membership to the Sauk Centre Area Historical Society. The Historical Society is the body that supports the Sauk Centre Area History Museum and Research Center. Your membership is important in helping the society
keep our museum vital by supporting museum staff, organizing and recording artifacts, continuing to find
ways to improve display areas in the museum, and providing Sauk Centre Area residents the opportunity
to research their family history,
keep our museum vital by supporting museum staff, organizing and recording artifacts, continuing to find
ways to improve display areas in the museum, and providing Sauk Centre Area residents the opportunity
to research their family history,
Membership Options:
Annual Individual $30
Annual Senior (65)/Student $25
Annual Family $50
Annual Booster $100
Annual Sustainer $150
Annual Benefactor $250
Annual Sponsor $500
Printable Membership Form
Thank you for considering becoming a member with us.
Membership Options Explained:
Individual, Senior/Student, or Family
Booster, Sustainer or Benefactor
- Free Research in our Research Center
- Vote at the Annual Meeting
- Quarterly Newsletter
- 10% off Museum Merchandise
Booster, Sustainer or Benefactor
- All above benefits
- 15% off Museum Merchandise
- All above benefits
- Your logo displayed at the museum, museum events, website & newsletter
- Historic Photo Scans
Business Sponsorship
Your business can become a sponsor to ensure that we can continue to preserve and share Sauk Centre Area and Sinclair Lewis History for decades to come. Business sponsorships are available for $250, $500 and $1000.
Thank you for your sponsorship.